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Technical Advisory Board (TAB)

The Technical Advisory Board votes and reviews 1EdTech technical documents and specifications.

Name Title Organization
Antoni Bertran
John Sims
Hailey Ridgeway
ALEX Director
Brian Stewart
Assistant Director of Educational Applications
Al Reaves
Richard Platts
Chief Technology Officer
Aaron Harnly
Chief Technology Officer
Mark Molenaar
Joe Carrillo
Chief Technology Officer
Justin Ball
Michele Wagner
Manager, Solutions Implementation
David Thurlby
Director of Information Services
Aitor Cuesta
Stephen Ellis
System Software Manager
Sherri Braxton Castanzo
Senior Director for Digital Innovation
Sven Morgner
Kenneth Wright
Technology Director
Andrew Pople
Vice President of Software Architecture
Manato Ono
Douglas Mealing
Alexander Gibbons
Engineering Director
Andrew Hohnstein
Director, Student Applications & Web Programming
Tjeerd Hans Terpstra
Software architect
Matt Rogers
Eston Melton
Chief Information Officer
Giovanni Maccioni
Project manager
Chris Picou
Nic Carroll
Director of Data Governance & Instructional Technology
Steve Asbury
Christian Vesterling
Senior EdTech Consultant
Alex Hripak
Principal Architect
Leo Cunha
Viktor Haag
Architect -- Platform and Standards
Benjamin Brown
Chief Technology Officer
Kevin Ptak
Director, Enterprise Architect
Rene Bosscher
Software Architect
Takahiro Hata
Senior Fellow
Kathryn Stewart
Chief Product Officer
Nathaniel Lindley
Director of Media and Technology Services
Andy Kuritzky
Director, Technical Product Mgt
Doug Weber
Mark Hakkinen, Ph.D.
Director - Accessibility Standards & Inclusive Technology
Catherine Yang
Vice President, Digital Communications and Content
Joel Hernandez
Tom Ingram
Director-Information Technology
Shailendra Tipparaju
Founder and Chief Innovation Officer
Sridhar Joies
Sarah MacDonald
Information Systems Manager
Mark Chaplow
Intergration Specialist
Richard Machielse
Phil Bertolo
Michael Evans
Chief Technology and Information Officer
Patrick Laughran
Associate Vice President for Technology and Chief Information Officer, Framingham State University
Jill Hobson
Chief Technology Officer
Lynne Whitley
Associate Director of IT
Angela Ingram
Knowledge and Interoperability Manager
Stuart Freeman
Application Developer
Sergiy Panchuk
VP Engineering
James Tse
Bill Brown
Executive Director, Education Technology Services
Jess Thomas
Director of IT Support and Educational Technology
Gregory Odell
eLearning Specialist
Christopher Thomas
Programmer Analyst
Anthony Faulkner
Padraig O'hiceadha
Principal Architect
Davant Stewart
Sr. Applications Developer
Andy Griebel
John Marchesini
Chief Software Architect
Uwe Kohnle
Member of the ILIAS Society
Todd Ellermann
S.V.P. of Engineering
Justin Zemlyak
Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies
Mike Lilly
Executive Director of Information Technology Services
Young-Ki Hong
Michael Webb
Director of Technology
Joe Christoffersen
Director of Operations
Jos van der Arend
James Gibson
Learning Management System Administrator
Mike Leadingham
Division Director, School Technology Planning and Project Management
JeongEun Son
Robert McDaniel
Mattias Sallstrom
System Architect
Kyle McKinney
Director of Technology (CIO), Laramie County School District, Wyoming
Charles Severance
Dwayne Alton
Chief Information Officer
Joanna Kaylor
Supervisor, Enterprise Support and Analytics
Amy Denman
Technology Director
Lardy Liu
Product Manager
Mike Flanagan
Chief Executive Officer
Andrew Lippert
Chief Technology Officer
Kevin Willis
Application Development Manager
Cara Jackson
Chief Technology Officer
Dirk Bradley
Michigan Data Hub Operations Manager
Roman Stotland
Director of Digital Strategy
TJ Vering
Principal Program Mgr, Education
Jon Werth
Educational Technology Specialist
Douglas Falk
Christian Stange
Jaebum Lee
Brian Lantz
Director of Network Security
Will Bunting
Director of Program Management
Misty Smith
Leigh Anne Scherer
Director of Technology & Information Services
Bucky Bush
Director of Technology
Snorre Lovas
Patrick Plichart
Co-Founder and Solution Architect
Patrina Law
Lifelong Learning Lead
Tsuneo Yamada
Corey Maxey
Chief Technology Officer
Jason Weaver
Vice President, Product
Amy Bonjour
Manager of Enterprise Applications and Information
Jim Serpe
Jason Rooks
Chief Information Officer
Jason Craft
Principal Software Architect
James Heckman
Assistant Director of Technology
Diane Rivera
Jason Pritchett
Software Architect
Lee Harrison
SVP Product and Technology
Marty Reed
Jeroen Fransen
Joe Carrano
Student Systems Support Manager
Ray Baranoski
Senior Software Developer
Andy Hochhaus
Scott Clark
Director of Media & Instructional Technology
Brenda Holliday
Digital Resources Specialist
Michelle Watt
Chief Systems Officer
Patches Hill
Rick Thompson
Sr. Database Administrator
Bill Sica
Konrad Stimeling
Ronald Ham
Gerardo Saenz
David Ormsbee
Yoshimitsu Miyazawa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Sean Anderson
VP of Technology
Susan Barnar
IT Director
Thomas Zeeman
Martin Lenord
Integrations Architect
Hiroshi Hatakeda
Senior Manager
Per Hörnblad
IT Architect
Gary Gilbert
Francesc Santanach
EdTech Architect, UOC
Jeff Longland
Daniel Suchy
Senior Director, Educational Technology Services
Shawna Dark
Matthew Emond
Applications Programmer IV
Michael Martin
Director of Client Experience & Technology Resource Ctr
B. Collier Jones
Jason Paluck
Anthony Whyte
Lecturer III in Information, School of Information
Jim Hart
Rob Ditto
Technical Director
Jeremy Graham
Derek Gleim
Sudarsan Thyagarajan
Wietze de Vries
Product owner
Andrew Alfers
Vice President, Product Management
Clyde Lewis
Database Administrator
Jason Cornell
Network Administrator
Jessica Faucher
VP of Product Management
Portia Clay
Software Application Specialist
Matt Hanger
Stephanie Gumm
Technology Integration Manager
Prasad Karanjgaonkar
VP Engineering
Chris Bray
Senior Academic Technology and LMS Administrator/Systems Architect
Charles McIntyre
Senior Director of Information Technology
Claude Vervoort
Andy Fisher
James Gibson
Learning Management System Administrator
William Baker
Senior Product Manager
Arjan Aarnink
Enterprise Architect
Pepper Williams
Jimmy Asher
Software Developer
Rachel Johnson
Director, Enterprise Solutions
Monika Disantis
Manager of Technology Solution Integration
Kevin Baum
Lorne Rodriguez
Digital Learning Design and Instructional GenAI Manager
Donald Dailey
Director of Systems Integration and Interoperability
Brian Schaffeld
Director of Technology Services
Chief Information Officer
Ashley Aouate
Director, Information Security
Marie Judisch
Deveren Fogle
Diane Dulaney
Frankey Goss
Director of Information Security & Data Privacy
Neal Kellogg
Director of Digital Procurement and Data Privacy
Jennifer Grimm
Director Information Services
Travis Taylor
Instructional Technology Speciaist
Dylan Robbins
IT Leader
Bob Deneau
Director of Technical Support Services
Michael Hrabak, Ph.D.
Technology Architect
Christopher Mogush
Taylor Hansen
Matthew Ricks
Software Engineer
Marlies Gration
Vikas Gupta
Director, Developer Relations
Kate McDemott
Senior Product Manager
Andrew Zuckerman
Chief Information Officer
Burt Lo
Chief Technology Officer
Joe Phillips
Chief Information Officer
Sean Berkstresser
Executive Director of Information and Analytics
James Gibson
Learning Management System Administrator
Diego del Blanco Orobitg
Kimberly Jackson
Executive Director of Instructional Technology
Ozgur Yogurtcu
Mark Maxwell
Director of Applications
Christina Masick
Associate Superintendent of Technology
Ryan Avery
Manager of Educational Technology
Daniel Hoag
Software Engineer
Moges Kelklie
Director of Product Experience, Strategic Education
Jason Martin
Mark Samberg
Director of Technology Programs
Gauthier Philippart
Sandy Britain
Enterprise Architect
AJ Phillips
Director of Information and Instructional Technology
Alyssa Moore
Digital Learning Lead
Julie Best
Krissy Mollo
Coordinator Teaching and Learning Applications
Dan Whaley
Founder and CEO
Chris Emery
Prasad Karanjgaonkar
VP Engineering
Bart Pursel
Chief Technology Officer
Seth Hodgson
VP Engineering
Derek Neighbors
Chief Technology Officer
Johel Placencia
Kyriakos Barbounakis
Ian Hickey
Senior Software Engineer III
Cliff Thelin
Project and Portfolio Manager
Jeremy Perkins
Product Manager
Tara Crain
Data Systems Analyst
David Watson
Coordinator, Technology Architecture and Assessment
Patrick Devanney
SVP of Strategy and Partnerships
Mike Wulff
Jason Zapf
Teaching and Learning Technology Manager
Sue Fetherston
Coordinator - Enterprise Applications
Brad Jessen
Director Of Technology
Dylan Havard
Senior Staff Architect
Darin Gribble
Bill Bass
Innovation Coordinator
Ryan Gravette
Director of Information and Technology
Jessica Preisig
Assistant Superintendent for Technology Services
Daniel Ralyea
Lakshmi Visvanathan
Chief Information Officer
Walter White
Senior Director - Enterprise Architecture
Tom Woodward
Engineering Manager
Ryan Graham
Michael Borkoski
Dr. Ahamed Kabeer Abdul Rasheed
Director- Engineering & Securities
Daniel Olivas
Cloud Architect
Chuck McGee
Brett Dalton
Head of Educational Services
Marten Roorda
Senior advisor
Peter Hanley
Manager, Academic Applications
Shin-Jang Kang
Managing Director
Jean-Francois Guertin
Derrick Brown
Sr. Director of Technology Operations
Dr. Ken Sauer
Senior Associate Commissioner and Chief
Florian Murat Koch
Chantell Manahan
Director of Technology
Brian Lowrance
Technology Director
Mark Huang
Matthew Valdez
Abhilash Gopal
Denise Hartsock
Robert Leffingwell
Matthieu Guerin
project manager
Claudio Cimelli
directeur de projet
Anantha Raman L
Brian Ciomei
Gabriel Siegel
Nathan Seaton
Specialist Technology Integration
Gonzalo Bermudez
Debbie Durrence, Ed.D.
Executive Director - Data Governance
Chris Seale
Instructional Technology Advisor
Stephen Brawn
Director, Product Strategy
Julie Gathright
Instructional Technology Consultant
Verna Sampson
Director of Instructional Technology
Benton Palmer
Instructional Technology Specialist
Kim Varnell
Director of Assessment Operations
Alison Hood
Meghan Morgan
Manager of Education
Frank Cicio
Monica Trippodo
Research & Development
Kim Moore, J.D.
Executive Director
Tamara Walker
Director of Academic Technology
Paul Katula
Scoring and Program Specialist
Rick Stoddart
Microcredential Coordinator
Donald Bruton
Joseph Allen
Executive Director of Technology
Brent Capriotti
Sr Consultant, Operational Strategy
Stanley Watts
Cullen Prestegard
Staff Engineer
Terri Webb
Manager III, Instructional Technology
Fabrizio Todde
Janelle Simmonds
Global Academic Enablement Program Manager
Graham Hayes
Infrastructure and Software Architect
Kerri Lemoie
Director, Digital Credentials Consortium
Joshua Moneypenny
Director of Technology
Insiya Bream
Assistant Vice President, Data - Academic Operations
Colby Hilyer
Systems Information Manager
Diana Cano
Amelia Jones
Robert Moden
Jaraun Dennis
Chief Technology Officer & Facilities Director
Michelle McConnell
Supervisor of Technology Operations
Heather Tillberg-Webb
AVP Academic Resources and Technology
Suzan Brandt
Director of Technology
Julien Sébire
Standards Engineer
Peter Franza
Sr. Software Architect
Michael Webb
David Hanks
Staff Software Engineer
Justin Dammeier
Asst. Vice Pres. Educational Technology & Instructional Design
Daniel Crook
Heather Carle
Product Management
Shefali Dhar
Senior IT Director
Jesse Boeding
Jeremy Justice
Amy Opalek
Marcella Wheeler
Director of Instructional Systems
John Lien
Senior Administrator Instructional Systems