University of California System
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How 1EdTech Members Power Learner Potential
For the University of California Irvine, being able to understand their students holistically is vital to helping those students succeed. The university leverages 1EdTech standards, like LTI and Caliper, to help with that understanding, but we also feel it’s important to be part of the solution. As a 1EdTech member, the university ensures its vision for its students is part of creating those standards to help ease the work for institutions and students globally.
“Caliper is a really valuable data source to understand how our students are interacting with technology applications and how they’re tracking toward their goals. Student success efforts at most institutions are in the very early stages, and we all need to evolve. We want to go beyond the learning setting, and really look at our students, and how they connect to their institutions, holistically. We want to broaden the current thinking and look at what student success means in the future, and make sure the standards evolve with us.”
UCLA knows interoperability is a vital component to keeping its digital ecosystem current and innovative. As they look to update various systems and fill in gaps faculty and students need, working with systems and tools that speak the same language helps to clear the path for those advancements and allows them to keep some continuity for end users. As a member of 1EdTech, they have a say in what those interoperability innovations look like to ensure their needs continue to be met.
“Working with 1EdTech and using its interoperability standards lets us easily integrate tools to build the best possible portfolio for our campus. As our community identifies needs or gaps, LTI allows us to look at an entire ecosystem of vendors, some with highly specialized tools, and gives us more options.”

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