1EdTech Board

Board of Directors
1EdTech Leadership Boards

1EdTech Europe Leadership Board

Higher Education Contributing Member Leadership Network
Higher Education Executive Council

K-12 Advisory Council

Technical Advisory Board (TAB)
1EdTech Committees
Accessibility Product Steering Committee

Assessment Product Steering Committee

Caliper Analytics Product Steering Committee

Digital Credentials Product Steering Committee

Digital Curriculum and CASE Product Steering Committee

OneRoster Product Steering Committee
K-12 Innovation Leadership Networks (ILN)
The K-12 Innovation Leadership Networks (ILN) are designed to provide a productive networking model for district and state members to work together in a meaningful way to discuss pressing issues, share ideas, and build successful community-focused solutions. Each group focuses on compelling projects with clear milestones and deliverables to help participants and the K-12 community at large develop solutions, best practices, and strategic resources to enable digital transformation to support teaching and learning innovation. The ILNs are also the conduit for K-12 institutional and state members to provide input into current and future 1EdTech technical projects. Participation in the K-12 ILNs is limited to current 1EdTech institutional members.
Contact 1EdTech for more information or if you are interested in participating in a K-12 Innovation Leadership Network.
K-12 Local Education Agencies ILN
K-12 State Education Agencies ILN
Higher Education Innovation Leadership Networks (ILN)
The HED Innovation Leadership Networks (ILN) are designed to provide a productive networking model for college and university members to work together in a meaningful way to discuss pressing issues, share ideas, and build successful community-focused solutions. Each group focuses on compelling projects with clear milestones and deliverables to help participants and the HED community at large develop solutions, best practices, and strategic resources to enable digital transformation to support teaching and learning innovation. The ILNs are also the conduit for HED institutional members to provide input into current and future 1EdTech technical projects. Participation in the HED ILNs is limited to current 1EdTech institutional members.
Contact 1EdTech for more information or complete this interest form to sign up to participate in a HED Innovation Leadership Network.
Digital Credentials
Digital Learning Ecosystem ILN
Emerging Digital Pedagogies
Learner Success & Data Analytics ILN
1EdTech Task Forces
Task Forces are groups where Contributing Members work collaboratively to develop a charter for new work on interoperability standards. A Task Force can also be an ad hoc group convened to solve a specific problem, develop a recommendation or work product.