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WirisQuizzes is a STEM assessment tool that allows educators to create and evaluate complex math question types with equations, graphs, or text-based answers that adapt to the student's needs and automatically correct students' tests by providing smart evaluation software. It enables infinite dynamic questions by adding random parameters, thus supporting cheating prevention and practice through trial and error. Your students will learn through practice with our infinite dynamic questions. WirisQuizzes seamlessly integrates with different LMS and educational platforms, including Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, and Brightspace by D2L.
Our solution supports STEM Education worldwide and the daily work of over 1.200 institutions with real students and professors. Some of its key features include:

  • Random variables:  Generate unique question statements instantly, fostering practice through trial and error. 
  • Graphical answers: Empower students to express their understanding by answering questions with a graphical representation and drawing functions. This feature supports a wide range of graphical elements, such as points, lines, circles, and conic sections. 
  • AI-Powered Handwriting Recognition: Allow your students to answer with ease with our AI-powered handwriting recognition. 
  • Automatic grading system: Define your evaluation criteria, and let WirisQuizzes handle the grading of the assessment.
  • Tailored feedback: Provide customized and detailed feedback on each question promptly. 
  • Seamlessly integration: Integrate effortlessly with popular LMS platforms like Moodle, Canvas, and Blackboard, enhancing educational functionalities.

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