Our comprehensive and customizable Instructional Management Platform is an end-to-end solution for supporting student mastery of content-specific standards, introducing and applying the 9 Traits of Critical Thinking™, and making data-informed decisions that improve teaching and learning.
ThinkUp! (Grades 1-8) was designed to develop students who can process and evaluate information at deeper levels, make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and find reasonable solutions—resulting in standards mastery and improved performance.
Create, manage, administer, and monitor data from standards-aligned assignments and assessments. Our digital platform delivers immediate, actionable data to inform instruction, identify suggested follow-up (either interventions or extensions), and personalize the learning experience.
Meet all students’ needs with Itematica! Itematica gives educators a truly comprehensive K–12 assessment solution with access to 65,000+ rigorous, standards-based items aligned to state learning objectives.
1EdTech Certifications
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