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- Issuer
Marketplace® Simulations is a family of over 30 marketing and business simulations designed for university business courses and executive business programs. It is developed by Innovative Learning Solutions Inc, the leading publisher of online learning solutions for business students and corporate professionals worldwide.
Marketplace Simulations allow students to experiment with business strategies, test business ideas, and experience the consequences of their actions in a virtual business environment. As students apply the theoretical knowledge they learned in your class to make strategic and tactical business decisions in the game, they develop skills critical to succeed in today's business world.
Innovative Learning Solutions, Inc. DBA Marketplace Simulations has 7 certifications for this product.
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Kevin Lewis on 2022-01-27
Data Privacy Officer
at 1EdTech
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Jan Simicka on 2021-06-08
IT Director
at Innovative Learning Solutions, Inc. DBA Marketplace Simulations
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