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KnowledgeDeliverSkill+ is an innovative tool that distinguishes "what people know" from "what people can do," making skills visible and trackable. Unlike traditional Learning Management Systems, which focus mainly on knowledge-based data, Skill+ extends its functionality to include and manage data on practical skills. This approach offers a comprehensive insight into an individual's full range of abilities.

1EdTech Certifications

Digital Knowledge EdTech Lab Inc. has 2 certifications for this product.

Version v1.6

KnowledgeDeliverSkill+ v1.6 has completed conformance testing for the following 1EdTech Standards ...
Open Badges v2.0
Active Certified on Registration Number: IMSO2de2025W1
Open Badges Type:
  • Issuer
  • Displayer
  • Host

Version v1.5

KnowledgeDeliverSkill+ v1.5 has completed conformance testing for the following 1EdTech Standards ...
Open Badges v3.0
Active Certified on Registration Number: IMSO3de2024W1
Open Badges Type:
  • Issuer
  • Displayer

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