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TrustEd Apps Profile for VitalSource Learning Platform

Vetted by Rick Johnson, Co-Founder and Vice President of Solutions Engineering and Accessibility at VitalSource on 2024-01-30

Security Rubric Results

  • N/A
Documentation & Company Information
Systems Management
Third Party Assessment
Rubric Area Expectations
Documentation & Company Information Meets Partially Meets Doesn't Meet
DOC01 - Have you undergone an external audit?
ANSWER: Has undergone an external audit and can share the audit results or certificate
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC02 - Do you conform with a specific industry standard security framework? (e.g. NIST Cybersecurity Framework, CIS Controls, ISO 27001, etc.)
ANSWER: Conforms with a specific industry standard and can show evidence of conformance
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC03 - Does your organization have a documented data privacy policy?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC04 - Do you have a documented, and currently implemented, employee onboarding and off boarding policy?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC05 - Do you have a well documented Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) that is tested annually?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC06 - Do you have a documented and currently followed change management process (CMP)?
ANSWER: Has a fully documented process & process is followed and includes a change log
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC07 - Have you had a reportable breach in the last 5 years?
ANSWER: No reportable breaches in the last 5 years
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC08 - Do you have a dedicated Information Security staff or office?
ANSWER: Has a fully dedicated Information Security staff or office
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC09 - Do you follow dev ops practices?
ANSWER: Follows devsec ops practices
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC10 - Can you share the organization chart, mission statement, and policies for your information security unit?
ANSWER: Has an organization chart, mission statement, and policies for the information security unit and is willing to share
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC11 - Are information security principles designed into the product lifecycle?
ANSWER: Information security principles are designed into the product lifecycle and tested against security requirements at each functional code revision
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC12 - Do you have a documented information security policy?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC13 - Do you have a formal incident response plan?
ANSWER: Yes and regularly exercised and people are regularly trained
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC14 - Do you carry cyber-risk insurance?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC15 - Do you have either an internal incident response team or retain an external team?
ANSWER: Yes, both internal and external
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DOC16 - What is your capability to respond to incidents?
ANSWER: Yes, 24x7x365
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
Data Meets Partially Meets Doesn't Meet
DA01 - Does the environment provide for dedicated single-tenant capabilities?
ANSWER: Not Applicable
DA02 - Is data encrypted in transport? (e.g. system-to-client, system-to-system)
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DA03 - Is sensitive data encrypted, using secure protocols/algorithms, in storage? (e.g. disk encryption, at-rest, files, and within a running database)
ANSWER: All data encrypted at rest
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DA04 - Do you have a media handling process, that is documented and currently implemented, including end-of-life, repurposing, and data sanitization procedures?
ANSWER: Yes, has all of the above
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DA05 - Will data regulated by PCI DSS reside in the vended product?
ANSWER: Fully meets PCI DSS requirements.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
DA06 - Are you able to accommodate storing each institution's data within their desired geographic region?
ANSWER: Not Applicable
DA07 - Does the hosting provider have a SOC 2 Type 2 report available?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
Systems Management Meets Partially Meets Doesn't Meet
SM01 - Do you have a systems management and configuration strategy that encompasses servers, appliances, cloud services, applications, and mobile devices (company and employee owned)?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM02 - Will the institution be notified of major changes to your environment that could impact the institution's security posture?
ANSWER: Yes, prior to the change
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM03 - Are you utilizing a stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall?
ANSWER: Yes, and alerts are actioned
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM04 - Do you use an automated IDS/IPS system to monitor for intrusions?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM05 - Do you require direct connectivity to the Institution's network for support/administration or access into any existing systems for integration purposes?
ANSWER: Any direct connectivity we require will be for limited periods of time and will be fully monitored by the institution
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM06 - Do you support access control (e.g. RBAC, ABAC, PBAC) for end-users?
ANSWER: Provides separation of at a minimum students, teachers / faculty and teaching assistants
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM07 - Do you support access control (RBAC, ABAC, or PBAC) for system administrators?
ANSWER: Yes, it is fully customizable and can provide evidence
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM08 - Do you control and audit employee access to customer data?
ANSWER: Yes to both
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM09 - Does the system provide data input validation?
ANSWER: Yes, follows OWASP guidelines
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM10 - Are you using a web application firewall (WAF)?
ANSWER: Utilizes a web application firewall (WAF) and alerts are actioned
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM11 - Do you subject your code to static code analysis and/or static application security testing prior to release?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM12 - Do you enforce MFA for vendor administrative access?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM13 - Does your solution support single sign-on (SSO) protocols for user and administrator authentication? (e.g. InCommon)
ANSWER: Does provide a institution approved SSO for institutional users and administrators
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM14 - Are audit logs available to the institution that include AT LEAST all of the following; login, logout, actions performed, timestamp, and source IP address?
ANSWER: Audit logs include all of the following; login, logout, actions performed, and source IP address and are available in admin dashboard
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM15 - Can your system auto provision accounts through SSO?
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
SM16 - Do you support differentiation between email address and user identifier?
ANSWER: Yes, and enforces it
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
Third Party Assessment Meets Partially Meets Doesn't Meet
TP01 - Will institution data be shared with or hosted by any third parties?
ANSWER: Shared and/or hosted only to provide service
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
TP02 - Do you perform security assessments provided of third party companies with which you share data? (i.e. hosting providers, cloud services, PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, etc.)
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
TP03 - Have your systems and applications had a third party security assessment completed in the last year?
ANSWER: Yes, has a 3rd party assessment and can provide high level results and gives organization's name
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:

Vetting Context

Policies Cited

The following urls were cited as a basis for this information.

  • Privacy Policy
  • Security Practices

Geographical Context

(Laws and regulations can vary across regions)
North Carolina
United States United States flag

Regulatory Compliance

The information below provides insight into compliance with various regulatory policies.

  • GDPR Compliant: Yes
  • FERPA Compliant: Yes
  • COPPA Compliant: Yes
US State Regulatory Compliance:
  • Arkansas HB 1961
  • California AB 1584
  • California SB 1177
  • California AB 2799
  • California AB 2828
  • Connecticut HB 5469
  • Delaware SB 79
  • Delaware SB 208
  • Georgia SB 89
  • Hawaii SB 2607
  • Illinois SB 1796
  • Iowa HF 2354
  • Kansas HB 2008 (S sub)
  • Kentucky HB 232
  • Louisiana HB 718
  • Maine SP 183
  • Maine LD1616
  • Maryland HB 298
  • Michigan SB 510
  • Missouri HB 1490

This application can be used by children under the age of 13.


The views and opinions expressed in this information are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of 1EdTech. The information provided is intended to surface trends about the policies and procedures of systems leveraged by the educational community. It should not be considered legal advice.

Disclaimer: The 1EdTech TrustEd Apps Security Practices Rubric provides a self-assessment tool for a supplier to evaluate their product, according to the 1EdTech TrustEd Apps Security Practices Rubric Specification v1.0. This information is to be a starting point for institutional security review processes and is not intended to serve as a full security review. Find out more here.

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App Vetting Rubric Version: 2