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TrustEd Apps Profile for D2L Brightspace

Vetted by Sambhavi Chandrashekar, Global Accessibility Lead at D2L Corporation on 2024-04-15

Accessibility Rubric Results: Optimized

Rubric Area Expectations
General Optimized Advancing Emerging
User Notes GEN1 - How are changes to key policies managed?
ANSWER: Notification is provided to the user in advance of a change
User Notes:
Policies may be changed as and when necessary to accommodate changes in practices and/or legal regulations and legislation. Changes are published on the D2L legal webpage If and when material changes are made to policies which may impact customers or the services, customers are notified accordingly. A history of policy revisions is available.
Policies may be changed as and when necessary to accommodate changes in practices and/or legal regulations and legislation. Changes are published on the D2L legal webpage If and when material changes are made to policies which may impact customers or the services, customers are notified accordingly. A history of policy revisions is available.
Unselected Option: Answer Partially Meets Expectations Unselected Option:
Information and Documentation Optimized Advancing Emerging
D1 - Does the supplier have a publicly available statement regarding accessibility?
ANSWER: Supplier has a comprehensive statement that includes identification of a standard and associated conformance documentation. Statement may also include information about accessibility development and conformance testing conducted by the supplier, including compatibility with assistive technology.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
D2 - Does the supplier provide accessibility conformance documentation?
ANSWER: Accessibility conformance report (a completed VPAT) has comprehensive detail about how the criteria are met. May also provide information about alternative access options if needed.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
D3 - Are the documents shared by the supplier accessible?
ANSWER: Fully accessible documents.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
D4 - How long ago was the accessibility conformance documentation completed and/or updated?
ANSWER: Less than 12 months prior to the completion date of the rubric.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
User Notes D5 - Does the supplier have a documented roadmap for accessibility improvements and enhancements?
ANSWER: Supplier communicates (verbally or in writing) about planned accessibility improvements and enhancements and includes projected timelines, contingencies and updates as available.
User Notes:
D2L provides a robust Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) with comprehensive information about how the requirements are met. We also have an annual audit with defined actions to ensure that we respond urgently to the findings as part of our product process. Our auditor-certified ACR as of January 1, 2024 reports conformance with WCAG 2.2 AAA. It follows ITI's VPAT version 2.5 International template and includes sections on WCAG, US Section 508 and EU EN 301 549.
D2L provides a robust Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) with comprehensive information about how the requirements are met. We also have an annual audit with defined actions to ensure that we respond urgently to the findings as part of our product process. Our auditor-certified ACR as of January 1, 2024 reports conformance with WCAG 2.2 AAA. It follows ITI's VPAT version 2.5 International template and includes sections on WCAG, US Section 508 and EU EN 301 549.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
Procurement Process and Communication Optimized Advancing Emerging
P1 - Does the supplier provide a demonstration of accessibility (features) as part of the sales process?
ANSWER: Led by accessibility and/or technical staff; deep dive that includes discussion of conformance testing (including significant detail) and compatibility with commonly used assistive technology.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
P2 - How are accessibility gaps identified?
ANSWER: There is a comprehensive strategy employed by the supplier to include qualified accessibility professionals, native users of assistive technology, third party accessibility consultants and others to reflect a variety of experiences.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
P3 - How does the supplier communicate known accessibility gaps to the customer?
ANSWER: Proactive, intentional communication (including social media as applicable) with the customer when gaps are identified.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
User Notes P4 - Does the supplier have a process for customers to report accessibility specific concerns and issues?
ANSWER: Supplier provides a dedicated accessibility related customer and/or technical support mechanism. Timelines for responses by the accessibility related support are provided.
User Notes:
Our sales organization is well-versed in speaking to the accessibility of our platforms. We have a defined workflow that outlines how accessibility gaps are reported by customers, added to our system to be addressed by teams, and communicated as known and fixed items.
Our sales organization is well-versed in speaking to the accessibility of our platforms. We have a defined workflow that outlines how accessibility gaps are reported by customers, added to our system to be addressed by teams, and communicated as known and fixed items.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
Accessibility Conformance Optimized Advancing Emerging
C01 - How has accessibility been included in the design of the product?
ANSWER: Accessibility was integrated into all stages of the design and development, including consultation with native assistive technology users.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C02 - Does the product claim conformance with one or more industry standards?
ANSWER: Conforms to international standards beyond minimal thresholds (e.g., AA or AAA specification of W3C Accessibility Guidelines).
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C03 - Does the supplier integrate accessibility testing into the product management process, including manual and automated testing?
ANSWER: Full accessibility evaluations, including automatic and manual assessments, are conducted.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C04 - Does the supplier ensure that subcontractors conform to the same accessibility standards of the supplier?
ANSWER: Subcontractor work is evaluated and vetted at regular intervals to ensure accuracy of work product.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C05 - Does the supplier provide training to team members regarding accessibility?
ANSWER: General accessibility training is provided on a periodic basis.
Unselected Option: Answer Partially Meets Expectations Unselected Option:
C06 - Were native or full-time assistive technology users included in the evaluation of the product?
ANSWER: Intentional efforts to have native/FT assistive technology users integrated into the evaluation and QA strategy and processes.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C07 - Were evaluations of the product consistent with the information provided by the supplier?
ANSWER: Consistent findings with supplier provided information but may include some minor accessibility issues.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C08 - What follow-up occurred after accessibility issues were discovered?
ANSWER: Proactive communication about the issues, plans and projected timelines to address them.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
C09 - Did the supplier seek client input on prioritization of accessibility improvements?
ANSWER: Input was sought prior to development of remediation plans.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
User Notes C10 - How has the supplier remediated accessibility issues as it works with the clients?
ANSWER: There have been multiple or high priority accessibility improvements to the product over the past 12 months, including regular and/or ongoing communication with clients.
User Notes:
Throughout our Product Development Process, accessibility activities are identified for Product Managers, Developers, Designers, UX Researchers, and QA testers. We conduct inclusive UX research with users of assistive technology within the company and through our accessibility partner (, and we do automated and manual testing for accessibility, including compatibility testing with users of assistive technology from the same pool. Our subcontractors are held to the same standards for accessibility.
Throughout our Product Development Process, accessibility activities are identified for Product Managers, Developers, Designers, UX Researchers, and QA testers. We conduct inclusive UX research with users of assistive technology within the company and through our accessibility partner (, and we do automated and manual testing for accessibility, including compatibility testing with users of assistive technology from the same pool. Our subcontractors are held to the same standards for accessibility.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:
Alternatives and Accommodations Optimized Advancing Emerging
A1 - Does the product allow for individual personalization of the interface and other capabilities (user preferences)?
ANSWER: Some personalization is possible but limited.
Unselected Option: Answer Partially Meets Expectations Unselected Option:
User Notes A2 - Does the supplier provide guidance or suggestions for alternatives or workarounds to address accessibility gaps?
ANSWER: Supplier has suggestions based on accessibility needs and engages with the client to discuss those needs and develop alternatives.
User Notes:
D2L's platform natively works with assistive technologies with some personalization options for improved usability. Workarounds are provided to clients where needed.
D2L's platform natively works with assistive technologies with some personalization options for improved usability. Workarounds are provided to clients where needed.
Answer Meets Expectations Unselected Option: Unselected Option:

Vetting Context

Policies Cited

The following urls were cited as a basis for this information.

Geographical Context

(Laws and regulations can vary across regions)

The views and opinions expressed in this information are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of 1EdTech. The information provided is intended to surface trends about the policies and procedures of systems leveraged by the educational community. It should not be considered legal advice.

Disclaimer: The 1EdTech TrustEd Apps Accessibility Rubric provides a self-assessment tool for a supplier to evaluate their product’s posture toward accessibility, according to the 1EdTech TrustEd Apps Accessibility Rubric Specification v1.0. This information is to provide additional context on accessibility, beyond conformance and legislative requirements. Find out more here.

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App Vetting Rubric Version: 2